Festival of British Archaeology
This year will be the 22nd Council for British Archaeology Festival of British Archaeology!
''The Festival showcases the very best of British archaeology, by presenting over 750 special events organised and hosted by museums, heritage organisations, national and countryside parks, universities, local societies, and community archaeologists across the UK. You don’t have to be an archaeologist to join in - the Festival gives everyone the opportunity to learn about their local heritage, see archaeology in action, and get hands on with history.''
Archeox, Oxford Preservation Trust, Oxford Archaeology and the Ashmolean Museum all have FANTASTIC events. Archeox will have a stall and give a talk at Archaeology Day, the Oxford Preservation Trusts event but we have included lots of other events available for you to attend during the festival including an open day at Oxford Archaeology where you can go and see how a commercial archaeology unit really works!
Archaeology Day: Sun 15 July; 11am–4pm
Archeox will be joining in with the festival at Archaeology Day, Oxford Preservation Trust's fantastic annual event at the Oxford Castle Yard. Archaeology Day is a showcase of the last year of Archaeology in Oxfordshire. There will be talks on latest research, displays and hands on activities for the enthusiasts and curious alike. There will be fun for the whole family and its absolutely FREE!
Location: Oxford Castleyard OX1 1AY.
Web: www.oxfordpreservation.org.uk/index.php
Oxford Archaeology South
Sat 14, Tue 17, Wed 18 & Sat 28 July - Various events
• A heritage walk in Oxford. Follow a timeline that takes you from the Neolithic through to the medieval periods in Oxford’s past, with Julian Munby. Oxford - meet on Keble Road outside the gates to the Parks. Saturday 14th July at 14.00.
• How to record buildings workshop, Practical sessions on how to record and unravel the past of standing structures with Alison de Tuberville. The work will be focused on one of the University colleges and will be an outdoor event, so be prepared. Oxford - meet at the west end of Brasenose Lane, Oxford. Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th July 16.00-18.00. Booking required. Please contact the organisation at the address below or though either vix.hughes@oxfordarch.co.uk or alison.deturberville@oxfordarch.co.uk
• Archaeology open day. Oxford archaeology South will be opening their doors for all to see on Saturday 28th July, as part of the Festival of British Archaeology. We invite you to come and see what archaeology is all about - what we do, how we do it, what we find and the true-life stories that come form the evidence we unearth. Oxford Archaeology, Janus House, Osney Mead, OX2 0ES. Sat 28th July, 10.00-16.00. Displays, artefact handling, practical sessions, Activities for all ages. Any queries please contact either Vix Hughes at vix.hughes@oxfordarch.co.uk or Emily Plunkett at emily.plunkett@oxfordarch.co.uk
Location: .
Org: Oxford Archaeology South
Name: Vix Hughes
Tel: 01865 980700
Email: vix.hughes@oxfordarch.co.uk
Web: www.oxfordarchaeology.com/
Discovering Dorchester on Times
Sat 21 July; 12.00-17.00
Visit our excavations of a Neolithic monument, a Bronze Age burial, and a Roman town. See artefacts from the excavations, take guided tours of the sites, have experts identify your finds, and children's activities.
Location: Dorchester-on-Thames (Allotments) OX10 7JG. Follow signs to the village from the A4074 or A415. Signage will direct you to site.
Org: University of Oxford/Oxford Archaeology
Name: Wendy A Morrison
Email: wendy.morrison@arch.ox.ac.uk
Web: www.arch.ox.ac.uk/DOT1.html
Ashmolean Events
• Sat 21 July Lecture Landscapes of the Upper Thames Valley, Anglo Saxon Renectment by Wychwood Warriors , Anglo Saxon & Medieval Storytelling by Dave Tong
• Tues 24 Jul Lecture Prehistoric Oxford
• Tues 24 Jul 11-12 & 2-3 Gallery Tours Anglo Saxon Excavations
• Wed25 Jul Lecture Excavation in the UK, Curator Gallery Tour- England Galleries
• Thur 26 Jul Visit the Conservation Labs, 27 Jul Gallery Tour Archaeological Treasures
• Sat 28 Jul Lecture The English Longbow, Demonstration- making and using bows
• Sun 29 Jul Ancient Scripts Relay Curator Gallery Tour
Location: Ashmolean Museum, Beaumont Street, Oxford OX1 2PH OX1 2PH.
Org: Ashmolean Museum
Name: Jude Barrett
Tel: 01865 288078
Email: jude.barrett@ashmus.ox.ac.uk
Web: www.ashmolean.org
Meet Some Mile Stones: Thu 26 July; 10.30-14.45
A walk around the back lanes and riverside, meeting milestones, boundary markers, highway stones and a toll-house, with glimpses of colleges and other interesting features. Bring a packed lunch or patronise one of the famous inns. Distance 5.5 miles, no charge. See walk details on our website, www.MilestoneSociety.co.uk, Heritage Walks
Location: Meet in St Clement's Car park (behind the Angel & Greyhound pub), off St Clement's, Oxford OX4 1AB. From the M40, A34, use the Seacourt or Thornhill Park-and-Ride carparks; Bus No. 400 stops at St Clements.
Org: The Milestone Society
Name: Derek Turner
Email: DT@milestoneSociety.co.uk
Web: www.milestonesociety.co.uk